Was created in resppponce to the challenges faced by the population, espacially children, womwn, and the ederly, in achieving a decent livelihood. Civil unrest further coumppounded these difficulties, hindering children's education and impacting the health and livelihoods of parents. The foundation was esxtablished to adress these challenges. It was created on January 2, 2022, with Mrs.Epote Soumelong Sunday Margueritte as it president
We facilitate and provide support trhrough training and development of wowmen and youth in relelvant life skills, inclusive education for all children espacially the girl child, capacity building of youth to facilitate thier acess to gaunful employment, supporting erderly persons through counselling and coaching to prepare them for a happy retirement , assiting womwns organisation to enable them build capital, access resources and develop wealth to be able enhance living standards within thier household, combating obnoxious traditional pratices hampering the development and emancipation of women, and mobilising and supporting communities through sensitisation and awareness raising on environmental issues and protection.
Together, we can build a brighter future.